Prestat was officially granted a Royal Warrant in 1975 as "Purveyors of Chocolates to the Queen," but unofficially, they were supplying chocolates to England's royal family for decades before that. It's no wonder that the shop itself is a jewel box of a space tucked away in one of London's most enchanting arcades, the Princes Arcade on Piccadilly. Their chocolates were also a favorite of author Roald Dahl, whose classic book My Uncle Oswald is all about what happens when a love potion hidden inside Prestat Truffles is unknowingly eaten by a host of 20th Century figures such as Freud, Picasso, and Nijinksy.
Delicious-looking. I think chocolates sometimes taste better when they come from a beautiful place.
I think chocolates ALWAYS taste better when they come from a beautiful place!
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